
Thursday, July 19, 2012

#2, The birthday flower.

One month had never felt so long for Alex. It made him feel worse knowing that Nicole would still hold that grudge after that long. It really bothered him. Sometimes, he'll be so tempted to even say a simple 'hi' to her, or maybe tell her she's pretty. But no, not even a single glance from her, not even a smile.

He'd still had been talking with the happy-go-lucky Hailey, but he'd also been talking and sharing his feelings with Natasha Rose, who's also from the same school but he just met her this year, through Twitter. He's had a little crush on her, while they were still Juniors, because she was like, the prettiest girl in his whole form, what kind of guy hasn't liked her before? 

They have been talking pretty frequently, so much so that it was almost similar to the friendship he had with Nicole, yet the friendship was different. She had always been there for him, despite the risk of him crossing the line, and he'd always helped her when she felt like falling apart. They both shared the same dreams, of entering the music business, and also made plans for covers to take place. They were both fans of the same shows and similarly mentally dated more than one celebrities. It was almost as if they had met for a reason, but yet, his heart still chose Nicole over Natasha. 

He wondered whether he'd had feelings for Natasha, although they've only known each other for such a brief period. Sometimes, he really did think so, he really did think Natasha treated him better than Nicole, but he really did think Nicole was his heart's worth.


Alex's mom, Pat, worked as a fashion/ beauty writer for the local newspaper, and she was assigned to cover an event held in a theme/ water park. What Alex heard was, a day out for the family, in a theme park, oh the joy! He thought to himself, 'maybe I could relax a little, get some stuff off my mind or something'  

Well, it did manage to cool off, and let loose. It felt great. He expected himself to be thinking of Nicole throughout, but no, he didn't. Which relieved him a little. Until he sat on the first ride, the roller-coaster ride, and in a snap of a finger, thought about Natasha, how he'd hold her hand as the roller-coaster goes up the hill, telling her everything will be alright and later screaming their heads off as if goes down and accelerates. 

That kind of caught him off guard, he never expected to be thinking of Natasha. What had his heart been trying to tell him? 

The roller-coaster wasn't the only incident. As he passed by the Scream Park, a.k.a the Haunted House/ Labyrinth, he pictured themselves freaking out, as the 'ghosts' came out and scared them, and somehow, knowing she's such a camwhore, later taking pictures with those frightening creatures. He'd try acting brave for her, but instead, he'd be screaming like a five year old girl afraid of what's underneath her bed. 

Or, the Pirate Ship, where she totally would freak out. As it turns 360 degrees, she'll try to scream, but gravity will hold her mouth back and catch that scream, and she'll be holding his hand real tight, closing her eyes, being cute trying to keep calm throughout the ride.

Or, in the water park, how they'd race to the Water Slides, and I'll carry the tube while she'll run up, and we'll freak out as the tube gets stuck halfway in the slide, and I'll keep pushing and we'll finally reach the water and we'll go upside down and laugh.

Or the Congo Challenge, where they have to compete against each other to slide down, on a little surfboard thingy. She'll be like 'oh, its on' and be the cute one she always is. As he wins the challenge, she'll be bummed but they'll keep going on till the park closes.

Yeah, he'd been thinking of Natasha, a lot. He felt extra confused, almost as if his whole world turned upside down. 

'More to think about, greeeeaat,' he thought, 'just great. Sigh, Nicole or Natasha?' 

#1, What was never said.

Alex Morrison, well he was just like any other ordinary guy, living in a mediocre life. Socially awkward, but still has friends who stick with him though his tough times. Elena Mellark, Melanie Rae, Isaak Gabriel, Carmen Styles, Alicia Leigh, well they mean a lot to him. 

Everything was all the same, till he met Nicole Chase, when they got enrolled in the same class this year. It just seemed, so natural, as if he'd known her forever, and eventually they became friends, really close friends. It was just about time when he started falling for her, deeply. But yet, he couldn't tell her, because he never would want to ruin their friendship, he wouldn't want to ruin what they had. By then, they had known each other's secrets, each others dreams, accepted each other's flaws, compared their celebrity other halves with each other. They had like the most cheesy friendship anyone could ever ask for.

Well nothing stays perfect forever.

He'd always, well maybe not always, had this habit of going too far in their conversations, he tends to cross the line, a lot. That annoyed Nicole, annoyed her a lot. After awhile, she really couldn't handle it, and just gave Alex the 'silent treatment', as they call it. Well, at first, he didn't know what happened, and he just felt confused, and kept apologizing, for whatever he may have done. Words couldn't describe how he felt that day, knowing that his best friend, who he's fallen for, avoided him for some unknown reason.

That has lasted for a month now.

He's felt as if his whole world fell apart, and that affected him. He's been going talking to Elena, who's probably known all his secrets, and also Hailey Lockheart, well, their talk really enlightened him.

Text from Hailey:
 'Maybe its not the right time and season to pursue her now. The right time will come, don't worry. Right now, focus on your studies, Miss SAT's coming. You deserve better than this Alex, you deserve to be happy! :) '

That gave him a whole lot more to think about, well it does make him die inside when she gives him the no-don't-talk-to-me look, yet she talks to someone else all smiles. It did kind of bother him that he's all choked up and she's okay. Yeah, he did deserve better than this, he deserved happiness, and if she's the one taking it away, then maybe she's not the right one. However, there's always a but, isn't there?

'But, she's my best friend. She's the one giving me butterflies whenever I see her. She's never made me feel this way. I'm only me when I'm with her. I'm never been like this with any other girl...'

As he deliberated, well let's just say the pros dominated cons, and heh, he continued pursuing her anyway, not that he wanted to, but that it hurt him not to.


Monday, July 16, 2012

In another life.

You know, I've always wondered what life will be like if I made like, a different decision, or met different people. I mean would I fall for someone else instead, would I end up where I am now? #random thoughts

Maybe I'd be different, maybe in a sense that, I'd have a better attitude, instead of always being the introvert or the pessimist I am today. (Okay not so, but you get what I mean)

Maybe I'd be a Caucasian, living in Europe, in a middle class family, going to school and actually enjoying it, be the popular guy and the life of the party. Well, no way. Or maybe I'd be a famous Youtube celebrity/ cover artist (which secretly is one of my dreams). Or maybe I'd be living in a high rise city like New York, always on the rush. Or like how the song goes, 'In another life, you would be my girl.'

I've realized that none of these can happen, cus well, God chose me to be in this life, for a purpose. God gave me a family, a loving family, which some don't even get. He gave me friends, that stick with me even when I screw up and do stupid stuff and are always there no matter what. He gives me a home, a very comfortable home. He gives me all the blessings, that a lot don't have. Sometimes, I'm not even aware of how blessed I am, and always taking what I have for granted. You know I tend to get all so 'in love' or something once I fall for someone. Yet,  cupid never comes back to me.  All three times I've fallen for a girl, who somehow EVERY time is my best friend, something goes wrong, and now I've learnt a pretty big lesson. I've learn that being the lovey wovey one, it just does something to myself, and somehow it gives the impression that I'm 'desperate for love' and it pushes people away. and yeah I've learnt that the hard way, almost losing a friend and all. He teaches me lessons that  sometimes I don't even know He is, when everything is down.

Just yesterday, I've been comforting a friend of mine, who feels as if her friend had replaced her, and the song just popped up.

'For greater thing have yet to come, greater things are still to be done' 

I mean, I remember singing it during worship in CF and it has never really stayed in my mind. But now, it relates a lot to what I'm going through. From struggling with friendship issues, or my parents being disappointed with my studies. I realize there are far more things yet to happen, better things, better achievements.

You know there's this belief that says you are at least linked to 7 people in the world or something. So I was thinking, (and I've done a pretty good theory here) *clears throat* So my mom was interviewing Nate Berkus (the decor guy who every now and then appears on Oprah, and has his own TV show) , and he's friends with Oprah, and the Glee cast has been on Oprah, and by Glee cast I mean Heather Morris. Yay! HAHAHA makes no sense.

Well, yes, I'm fully aware that trials are in two weeks, and I'm aware that I should be studying. This is my effort to improve my English, thank you very much, and I realized that my English level is still pretty low after taking the New South Wales exam. -So going to score!- :( So, lately I've been jotting down unfamiliar words from the series, Fallen, which a good friend lent me, and I've still haven't finished it cause she doesn't have the full series, so I'm planning to camp out in the nearest bookstore and read it. Back to the point, that book is really good, I like how Passion brings me through an adventure through time, all around the world, and man that book has a lot of unknown words even my parents don't know. So, yes, I consider that studying. :)

And that's where I learnt the word, presumptuous, a.k.a Jen's P-word. Which pretty much suits how I am, I am, always assuming things are about me, always assuming that I made someone mad, always assuming that I'm the one they're talking about, always assuming, a lot. Bucket list for the next 6/7 months, get rid of that attitude of always saying sorry when its not even my fault, and later ruining friendships cus it gets pretty annoying and all.

Yes, I'm aware of that, and I'm trying my best to fix it. Progress, not perfection.

I don't know what I wrote, I just blurted out what was on my mind. Hah.

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and all the things that you do.
-- Yellow, Coldplay

And I shall end this post, which somehow doesn't make a lot of sense, with a quote.

'Life isn't about surviving the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain'
-- Taylor Swift.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Those Five Days Of Summer In The Rain.

The purple yellows with Spongebob and Matt. 

So, Sports Day was last Friday and guess what? It was a blaaaaaast.

So first, Mel decided to ditch us so Sophia and I went around the school looking for people and then we found Tze-Ning who was foreveralone a little, cause she didn't want to hang out with the photographer 'gang' with all those high-tech lenses and all. So she tagged along and took quite a few pictures! We bumped into a few people and took more pictures of the decor and all. So after quite awhile we sat down where Lex was and a friend of mine was there, you know, the one in the recent post, well things are getting better but I don't know it just seems different somehow. Back to the point. We sat there after a while waiting for the long-awaited marching to start, and once the music started playing, everyone was pretty much on the edge of their seats to watch the house's mascots. Since, this year's theme was animation, so every house had a cartoon character mascot. So yellow, SPONGEBOB and Pikachu. Well, I mean I was looking forward to seeing Spongebob haha. Then red, Angry Birds; blue, Smurfs; and green, Shrek. Whereas Purple's one, which was Mewtwo, looked kinda retarded, no offence, but yeah their marching was really really good. 

Okay then after awhile, the Uniformed teams' turn to march and everyone was waiting for the champions, Kadet Polis. Then, speeches etc. after that, finally the running started, and we Hang Kasturi-ians were seated next to the Yellows,  so both our cheerleaders (including Jen, Ally, Lex, Alicia, Joanne and Becks) went down to the field and cheered together, I mean competing their cheers against one another. Hahaha how supportive. Well, purple did a really good job and I got to hold the flag but apparenty we were too loud and were blocking the teachers' view so the teacher pms-ed at us and kicked us out. Then we walked to where the decor was, and we had the freedom to cheer as loud as we could! 

Well, I kind of lost my camera, and turns out it was with Alexia and Joanne the whole time. And you know them, once they touch my camera, camwhore. So yeah, not surprised when 20+ pictures were added to the memory and all of them had their faces in them. So, holding the flag, Joanne and I ran like Superman with the flag behind her till we were stopped and asked to respect the flag. Hashtag awkward moment. So the Yellows and the Purples joined forces and cheered for each other and Jen made up this cheer for both the houses... which I can't remember. :( Oh wait, before that we got to take pictures with Spongebob! And Jen, being the ultimate-Spongebob-lover, it was her paradise. I mean, her, in Yellow house, with the SBSP theme and decor.. really a dream come true for her. Plus, she even tried on the suit!

Running around like Superman. 

With Rachel, Joanne, Melissa and Lex.

Sasha's face HAHA

What happens when you lose your camera to Alexia and Joanne.
'Eh, don't just camwhore there okay! Must camwhore with me!'

Guess who was in the suit? :) 
After a few matches, it was time for the prize-giving ceremony, and we were like, 'already?' haha yeah it was too short. So the winner for best decor..... Green with the Shrek theme! They deserved it, a lot. Winner for marching.. Green.. again. This time it should have been either Blue or Purple in my opinion. Then overall winer for the 2012 Taman SEA Sports Day. *drumroll* PURPLE (Y) *dances some weird dance you wouldn't want to see* haha it was pretty cool to be on the field during the ceremony, 'cause its been two years in a row I was up there watching. So the Purples took a huge group photo and Alicia and I were like 'We didn't even do anything and we're still part of it!' hahaha plus, i actually made some friends through the art of camwhoring, thats right. Met Cynthia and Yee Lee who were part of the cheer team hahaha

This shot is really good, whoever who took it. 

Stalker photo oh yeeeah. Hi Jen! 

So then we followed the CF to McDonald's and Mel followed. Like, finally she came. So, Lex took more pictures, camwhored a little more and everyone ate. We were finally able to take our annual Ward family portrait again!  

Messy eater.

Ward/Choi family and le retarded father HAHAHA

After that Mel, Ziling and I walked over to Ziling's house and we had our little talks on the way. About our little dds eh. Once we reached her house we were trashing her piano, and taught Mel the chorus for Eyes Open. Well, she's getting better! Then we had to rush off since Ziling had piano lessons whereas a had tuition. Moodkillers. 

But well, it was a really epic epic day. Can't wait for the next event, let's see BK '12!

More pictures!

Photogenic to the highest level.


Mr. Jankins. 

I really like the clouds.

All hail the winners for decor, greeeeen.
ps: I gained a wingman today, say hi to Jen! HAHAHA so technically she's my wing-girl. whee.
pps: Ignore the irrelevant title, been addicted to the Joe Brooks song for awhile now haha