
Tuesday, June 16, 2009


To Xin Yueh:
I am sorry for all that I have done that have upset you so far. And i know that might upset you again, so please don't be mad,K? I'm just really sorry.......and um...Thanks for sorting things out between me and Zhi Ann.XD
PS: why do you think my mom hates you..I mean..she doesnt even know who you are!

To Zhi Ann:
I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad that we are friends again. Thanks for everything!and one more thing.... thanks for forgiving me after whatever I have done.....Next time I will just try my best to not hurt you and Xin Yueh anymore XP

To melissa:
after all the present buying you now owe me RM13! it is already in a discounted price!please give me the $$$$money$$$$ fast ......I am also kind of broke you know!!!!

To hui san & Kar Mei:
can you guys...I mean girls stop pasting paper on my back anymore!!!! OH, and please stop the "wiping thing"!!!!!!!!!!!(this is for the PIG)

To Ivan and OKJ:
please stop all the talking in the computer room!!!! It is so freakin' noisy!!!!I can't concentrate!!! and OKJ, please dont put your stinking leg on my chair anymore? Seriously!


  1. Hey. Er, no problem. Btw, ur pic is about New Moon... Ugh, it has Jacob the guy who never heard of a hair-cut, Edward, the HUGE forehead dude and Bella, the wimpy useless gurl. -.- When can I have ur handphone number? You promised me.

  2. Hey. Didn't I say for a hundred times that the present is a gift that U gave to Emo, not we. ==" So stop whining abt me owing u RM 13.
